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This essential oil works really well with stress, spasms, cramps, and indigestion.
Helichrysum Italicum
Applied to bruises, it'll make them disappear faster, helps reduce eczema and alleviate pains caused by arthritis and hepatic conditions.
This essential oil is common in skincare and hair products, and as a remedy to ease arthritis, asthma, skin and mouth infections, and flu symptoms.
Lavandula Officinalis
Lavender has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Its essential oil is really good for accelerating scaring, helping with skin infection, or drinking it in water to ease cramps and contractures.
Lavender (Spike)
This essential oil has a very soothing effect and can also be applied to ease the pain and stinging of sunburns and insect bites. But especially the spike lavender is really helpful to relax; that's why it's a must in our essential oils kit.
Lemon essential oil is a terrific anti-septic as it disinfects the air and also strengthens the nervous system, and as a booster if you're feeling fatigued.
Mentha Piperita
Mint essential oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its fresh smell helps to ease nausea and headaches.
Tea Tree
Also known as Melaleuca Alternifolia, this oil is extracted from an Australian bush. The Tea Tree essential oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and alleviates skin, oral, otorhinolaryngologist, and gynecological infections.
Roman Chamomile
This essential oil is useful to mitigate stomach pains and digestive disorders and to reduce asthma caused by stress and skin allergies. This is due to its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.